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Tomatoes to a Healthy Diet

Written By Low Fat High Protein Foods on Minggu, 26 November 2006 | 03.10

The health benefits of tomatoes are well known, and tomatoes are known to contain a great many important compounds that play an important role in the prevention of cancer, heart disease, cataracts and many other common health problems. Tomatoes are rich sources of many important nutrients, and more and more people are coming to realize just how important tomatoes are to a healthy diet.

Tomatoes and vitamin C

For instance, tomatoes contain as much vitamin C as many citrus fruits, with a normal sized tomato providing up to 40 percent of the recommended daily intake of this important nutrient. In addition, tomatoes contain large amounts of vitamin A, potassium and iron. And tomatoes are one of the most delicious, and most versatile of all foods. From fresh tomatoes in your salad to ketchup on your burger, tomatoes are everywhere, and this makes it quite easy to enjoy their many health benefits.

In a way, it is their rich color that makes tomatoes so valuable to a healthy diet. The substance responsible for the red coloration of tomatoes is known scientifically as lycopene. This important compound is thought to be a strong antioxidant, with the ability to neutralize the free radicals that can cause damage to cells. These free radicals are thought to play a role in cancer, and therefore tomatoes are thought to be important in the prevention of many kinds of cancer.

As a matter of fact, lycopene is thought to be twice as effective as many other kinds of antioxidants, and it has been shown to play a role in the prevention of such common cancers as prostate cancer, lung cancer and breast cancer. In addition, lycopene is thought to help to inhibit the aging process, allowing tomato eaters to remain active longer.

How to choose the best tomatoes

To get the greatest amount of benefits from tomatoes it is important to choose them carefully. The ripest and reddest tomatoes not only contain the highest amounts of lycopene, but they also are thought to contain the greatest amount of beta carotene, another vital nutrient.

Tomatoes are healthy when eaten raw, but they are also one of those rare foods whose nutritional value is actually enhanced by the cooking process. The valuable lycopene is contained in the cell wall of the tomato, and therefore cooking it in a bit of healthy oil will help to more fully release this important nutrient. In addition, cooking the tomato in a healthy oil like olive oil will help the body to better absorb the lycopene in the tomato.

While it is important to choose the richest, reddest tomatoes to enjoy their many health benefits, it is not necessary to always buy your tomatoes fresh. While fresh tomatoes are often better tasting, tomatoes are one of those fruits that ship very well, and they do not lose any of their vital nutritional value when they are shipped. Tomatoes also retain their nutritional value through the high heat processing they undergo, meaning that tomato sauce, canned tomatoes and stewed tomatoes are all valuable sources of antioxidants and other valuable nutrients.

03.10 | 0 comments

Benefits Of The Goji Berry for Anti Aging

Written By Low Fat High Protein Foods on Minggu, 12 November 2006 | 02.17

The goji berry just may be the most powerful of all anti-aging foods on the market. More and more people are discovering the power of the goji berry, also known as lyceum barb arum.

The History Of The Goji Berry

The goji berry has long enjoyed a privileged place in traditional oriental medicine, and it has been used in traditional Asian medicine for thousands of years. For many in the modern world, however, the goji berry has remained a well kept secret.

Many in traditional medicine have noted that many of the longest living people in the world eat a diet rich in the goji berry, and this tiny red fruit may well be one of the most powerful of all anti-aging foods.

The First Healers

Some of the first healers to recognize the power of the goji berry were the Himalayans. These traditional people shared their knowledge of the goji berry and it healing properties with the herbalists of Tibet , China and India . One of the most highly prized elements of these traditional herbalists were the fruits of the goji vine, which had flourished in the valleys of the Himalayas for thousands of years. Those herbalists took this powerful food back home with them, and they continued to spread the word about the power of the goji berry.

There are many varieties of goji berry, grown in many parts of the world, and as the popularity of this food continues to grow, more and more people are growing the goji berry for profit. The most powerful and nutrient rich goji berries, however, still come from plants grown in the valleys of the Himalaya mountains , so it is important for buyers to understand where there supplements come from.

What Makes The Goji Berry So Special?

The goji berry contains four individual polysaccharides, also known as phytonutrient compounds. These phytonutrient compounds work in the body to direct and carry instructions used by the cells of the body to communicate with one another. These polysaccharides are often referred to by scientists as master molecules, due to their ability to control many important functions of the body and its immune system.

The goji berries grown in the Himalayan valley exhibit a well balanced level of these various polysaccharides, and they have a greater nutrient density than berries grown elsewhere in the world.

There are many ways that the goji berry can be used in a healthy diet, including supplements, juices and the fruits themselves. There are many places to buy goji berries and goji juice as well, from traditional supermarkets to specialty and whole foods retailers. When buying goji berries, however, it is important to purchase them only from top quality suppliers who are as concerned about your good health as you are. It is also important to know where your goji berries or goji juice comes from, since the goji berries grown in the valleys of the Himalayas can be far more nutritious than those grown in other parts of the world. The goji berry is one of the most exciting and useful new food to be discovered by the modern world, showing how the wisdom of the ancient world is once again shedding new light on common health problems.

02.17 | 0 comments

Benefit of Red Cabagge and Red Beets

Written By Low Fat High Protein Foods on Minggu, 05 November 2006 | 00.40

There are many reasons why red cabbage and red beets are such popular foods. Both red cabbage and red beets are delicious, nutritious and low in calories. In addition, the compounds found in red cabbage and red beets are thought to play an important role in the prevention of many forms of cancer.

New research has placed the focus on the benefits of red cabbage and red beets on the many phytochemicals these foods contain, in particular the presence of indole-3-carbinole (I3C0, sulforaphane and indoles. These compounds are thought to play a role in the activation and stabilization of the detoxification and antioxidant processes in the body.

The benefits of red beets and red cabbage

In particular, indole-3-carbinole (I3C) is thought to play a role in reducing the risk of breast cancer, and one small study showed a remarkable 50% reduction in the incidence of breast cancer. These compounds, found abundantly in red cabbage and red beets, are thought to play a role in how estrogen is produced and utilized in the body, and this is thought to play a role in reducing the incidence of breast cancer in those who consume these foods.

In addition to the prevention of breast cancer, red cabbage and red beets are thought to play an important role in the prevention of lung cancer, stomach cancer and colon cancer. In addition, red cabbage and red beets are known to be rich sources of vitamin C, an antioxidant which plays a vital role in reducing the presence of free radicals in the body.

In addition, all types of cabbages and related vegetables, including broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts and bok choy, are rich sources of calcium. In addition to calcium, however, red cabbage and red beets are also rich sources of flavonoids. It is these flavonoids which are responsible for the rich purple coloring of both red cabbage and red beets, and it is these flavonoids which give both red cabbage and red beets their strong antioxidant health benefits. As a matter of fact, red cabbage and red beets are among the richest sources of flavonoids in the vegetable world.

Other health benefits

In addition to their possible role as cancer fighters, red cabbage and red beets both are being studied for their possible role in the treatment of peptic ulcers. For many years the juice of the red cabbage has been used as a very effective way to treat peptic ulcers. It is thought that the high concentration of the amino acid known as glutamine is responsible for the ability of red cabbage and red beets to treat this common stomach condition. Glutamine is used to provide nutrients to the cells that line the small intestine and the stomach, and this fact may be responsible for the effectiveness of cabbage juice at treating ulcer conditions.

When shopping for red cabbage, it is a good idea to choose those heads with the richest, reddest leaves, since the compounds that give red cabbage is rich flavor also provide its nutritional benefits. Likewise, those red beets with the richest and heartiest color are thought to provide the greatest nutritional value.

00.40 | 0 comments

The Benefits of Natural Weight Loss

Written By Low Fat High Protein Foods on Minggu, 29 Oktober 2006 | 20.37

With so many people today determined to lose weight without compromising their health, it's no wonder there are an abundance of natural weight loss diets and programmers out there. A simple Google search will turn up millions of results, as the world moves towards a slimmer, healthier place. And it's always been the same. Luckily, you can effectively lose weight without the diet pills and synthetic appetite suppressants, and natural weight loss is far more effective for most dieters anyway.

The best idea for natural weight loss is to increase the rate of the metabolism. If you’re out to lose weight quickly, with long lasting guaranteed results, then you should strive to increase your metabolic rate. The problem with many of the fashionable diets is that they restrict the amount of food the dieter can eat, which will actually slow the metabolism and eventually result in the gradual re-gaining of any weight lost. If you increase the rate of your metabolism, you will lose fat permanently, and become far leaner as a consequence.

Exercising constantly on a restrictive diet actually uses the protein from the diet rather than fat. It also means that the majority of weight lost will be water loss, which can confuse many dieters. Before reducing calories, the key is to increase the metabolism, which will constantly increase the rate at which the food you eat is converted into energy, meaning less storage as fat and in increase in energy for your leaner body. Increasing the metabolism also allows for the proteins to be put to use in building and maintaining muscle, which is again the goal for many dieters. With this simple form of natural weight loss, you will find yourself less restricted, whilst still losing pounds and inches from your weight loss. This is by far the best method to shift those stubborn fatty deposits and work on your way to a slimmer self.

So how do you go about increasing your metabolic rate? The best way to start is by eating smaller portions more often. Rather than eating three large meals a day, it is far better for weight loss to eat five smaller meals. Even without exercise, you'll soon find that this actually helps you lose weight, simply through eating more often. Of course, it’s no good if you shift from three large meals a day to five large meals a day, and by the same token there’s no point in loading up with extra helpings of pizza or chips. If you stick to a healthy balanced diet and eat regularly, you’ll find you’re more active, have more energy and lose weight.

After sticking to this natural weight loss method, you can then start to decrease your calorie content and step up to some light exercise to help shed those pounds even quicker. That way you'll be making sure your body gets all the good stuff it needs to stay healthy, whilst still managing to fit those tight jeans. If you think about it, and stick rigidly to your five meals a day, you can lose weight the natural way and end up looking great and feeling fabulous.

By Clive Jenkins

20.37 | 0 comments

Enjoy The Many Health Benefits Of The Wolfberry

Written By Low Fat High Protein Foods on Sabtu, 07 Oktober 2006 | 00.31

The health benefits of the wolfberry have long been known to the world of traditional medicine, these health benefits were explored throughout China many thousands of years ago. As far back as the Tang Dynasty, in the years from 1000 to 1400 A.D., there are references the wolfberry in the traditional Chinese Medica. Among the health benefits cited by the Chinese was the ability to nourish the Yin. In traditional Chinese medicine, the Yin represents the material part of the body, while the Yang is concerned with the energy and function of the body instead.

Health Benefits Of The Wolfberry

Other health benefits of the wolfberry included the ability to strengthen the liver, the kidneys and the eyes, as well as the ability to nourish the blood. The fruits of the wolfberry are well known to the world of herbal medicine, and they show up in a number of herbal formulas used to maintain overall health. The wolfberry is also used in herbal medicines used to treat chronic health problems such as fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, ringing in the ears, vision problems, insomnia, headaches, chronic liver disease, tuberculosis, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Traditionally, the fruit of the wolfberry has been used to map teas, soups, stews and even wine. In addition, the fruits of the wolfberry are often chewed, much like raisins. In modern China, scientists have extensively studied the fruits of the wolfberry to determine their nutritional value and medicinal benefits. These modern studies have backed up the traditional uses of the wolfberry. The wolfberry has been found to be of assistance in maintaining the health of the immune system, improving eyesight, helping to keep the liver healthy and helping to maintain healthy blood sugar and blood pressure levels. In addition, the fruits of the wolfberry are thought to have strong antioxidant and antiaging properties.

What Is The Wolfberry?

The wolfberry is actually a member of the family solanacea, and it grows wild on bushes found in the northwest part of China. The Chinese people have been growing the wolfberry for thousands of years, both for its pleasant taste and its strong nutritional value and role in traditional medicine. Wolfberry blooms between April and October in its native China, and it is typically harvested from June to October depending on the local weather and growing conditions.

The wolfberry signals its readiness for harvest by turning red, and the fresh fruit is oblong in shape and very juicy. The wolfberry is full of juice and is very sweet to the taste. The primary active ingredient in the fruit of the wolfberry is known to science as Lycium Barbarum Polysaccharide, or LBP for short. The amount of LDP contained in the wolfberry will vary according to the type of berry, with the top quality wolfberries containing the highest concentrations of LDP.

The wolfberry contains 19 different kinds of amino acids and 21 trace minerals. In addition, the wolfberry has more beta carotene than a carrot, nearly as much vitamin C as an orange and almost as much protein as bee pollen.

00.31 | 0 comments

The Health Benefits Of Pygeum

Written By Low Fat High Protein Foods on Jumat, 22 September 2006 | 19.16

Prostate problems are a growing problem for many men, and it is estimated that most men will experience some type of problem with their prostate at one time or another.

Fortunately, there are a number of excellent supplements on the market that have shown great promise in treating some of the most common prostate problems. One of the most exciting of these compounds is known as pygeum.

Pygeum and the prostate

Often, pygeum will be combined with a number of other prostate effective compounds, such as saw palmetto, beta-sitosterol and nettle. These products are often sold as “prostate health” supplements or similar items. Some of these combinations will list a huge number of ingredients, but often the concentration of each ingredient is too small to be of value. Those who are seeking such a combination product will need to learn to read the labels carefully to make sure that the product they are buying will provide the benefits they hope for.

Many prostate specific herbal remedies, including pygeum, also have strong anti-inflammatory properties, and it is these anti-inflammatory properties that seem to have an affect on the swelling often associated with prostate problems.

It is important for those using pygeum to treat or prevent problems with the prostate to seek out those extracts that have been standardized, in order to make sure that the levels of pygeum in the supplement are adequate to be of real therapeutic value.

What to look for in pygeum supplements

It is also important to buy pygeum and other prostate health products only from established and reputable companies, as the manufacturing processes used can greatly influence the value, and even the safety, of herbal remedies. Buying pygeum and other supplements from firmly established companies is the best way to ensure a quality product made with the freshest and most effective ingredients.

There are many places to buy pygeum supplements, and other supplements for the treatment and prevention of prostate problems. Pygeum is available at many health food stores, both as standalone supplements and as part of overall “prostate health” remedies. It is always important to read the label carefully to make sure that the ingredients exist in the concentrations you need.

The manufacturing process is essential when it comes to herbal remedies, whether we are talking about pygeum or any other supplement. Manufacturing problems, such as contaminated or poorly functioning equipment, can easily negate the positive health effects of many supplements. It is important, therefore, to buy products only from companies who employ the best manufacturing processes when making their pygeum supplements.

It is also important for any man considering starting treatment with pygeum or other herbal medications to consult with his doctor before starting treatment. It is important for your doctor to know about all the medications you are taking, not just prescription drugs. That is because over the counter medications and even herbal remedies can interact with prescription drugs. Providing your doctor with complete information about all the remedies you are taking will help you keep your health at its highest level and side effects low.
19.16 | 0 comments

What you need to have a good health

Written By Low Fat High Protein Foods on Minggu, 17 September 2006 | 01.52

You have to do Exercise and eating right to have good health. They are absolutely vital parts of any plan to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Without making significant and permanent changes to your lifestyle, you will be doomed to follow one fad diet after another, losing lots of weight only to gain it back and then some.

This type of yoyo dieting has been found to be even more dangerous than being overweight, and it can lead to a number of serious health problems of its own. The best diet plan is one that you will be able to follow for the rest of your life. If you are not able to keep to your diet plan over the long term, you will not be able to succeed.

To maintaining a healthy weight, it is often better to make a series of small changes, rather than try to make a radical change in your life. For instance, instead of going from being a couch potato to running 10 miles a day, try instead to start by taking a walk three times a week. A simple walk around your neighborhood can do wonders for your health and fitness, and regular exercise can speed up your metabolism, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight over the long run.

Why you need exercise
Regular exercise will help you build muscle while losing fat, and this extra muscle tissue will also help you lose additional weight. In addition, you will feel better, and this will help your overall fitness level as well as your weight. An exercise program does not need to be overly strenuous in order to be effective. As we have said, the simple process of taking a walk several times a week can work wonders for anyone.

Eating a well balanced diet is the other part of the process of maintaining a healthy weight. A healthy and well balanced diet is an essential part of keeping a healthy weight, and eating the wrong foods can quickly wreck the most well intentioned diet.

However, It is important, to follow a healthy diet that you can stick with the rest of your life. It is important therefore to choose those foods that you already like, as this will help you to stick with your diet over the long term. It is also important to give yourself the occasional treat, as this splurging will help you to avoid the cravings that can destroy your diet and keep you from maintaining a healthy weight.

01.52 | 0 comments

Knowing your current diet

What You Should Know about List of Healthy Foods

list of healthy foods
When evaluating your own diet, it is important to take a couple of steps back and evaluate your own health, including what you want to get out of your diet. Knowing your own tastes and preferences, in addition to knowing which foods are healthy, will help you create a diet you can stick to for the rest of your life.

When choosing what foods are healthy, it is essential that you choose foods you actually like. If you choose a list of healthy foods you hate, you will obviously have trouble sticking to your diet long term, and your overall health and fitness level will suffer as a result. It is best to choose from the long list of healthy foods you already like, and to incorporate them into your diet for maximum benefit.

Fruits and vegetables is importance for diet
Among the healthiest of all foods are fruits and vegetables. There is a good reason that fruits and vegetables make up such a large part of the government’s new food pyramid. The new government guidelines recommend that everyone eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day, but unfortunately most people fall far short of this important goal. It is important, however, to incorporate as many fruits and vegetables into your diet as you possibly can.

Eating fruits and vegetables does not mean you are limited to simply eating pieces of fruit and raw carrots all day. When choosing what foods are healthy, it is just as important to prepare them in new and interesting ways. You can add fresh fruits to your favorite energy drink or smoothie, for instance, top your yogurt with strawberries or enjoy a sliced banana with your morning cereal.

Think long term in diet
It is not enough to simply know what foods are healthy. It is vital to use that knowledge to create healthy meals that you and your family will love in the long-term success of any diet

There are a wide variety of foods that are good for the body beside fruits and vegetables. These excellent foods include whole grains, including whole wheat bread and crackers, low fat meats, chicken, turkey and other poultry products and fresh fish. There are so many answers to the question of what foods are healthy that the hardest part may be choosing among them.

01.43 | 0 comments

The Reason Why You Need Calcium

you need calciumCalcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, and it accounts for from 1.5 to 2% of the average person’s total body weight. The vast majority of calcium in the body, a full 99%, is concentrated in the bones and the teeth, with the remaining 1% distributed throughout the bloodstream, muscles and other body tissues. It is crucial that the body have a steady supply of calcium to draw from at all times, so it is the reason why you need calcium.
Milk is the single most important source of calcium, and few foods are as rich in calcium and as healthy as is milk. In addition to calcium, milk contains significant amounts of phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. These elements are vital, since they help the body absorb and more readily use the calcium in the diet. In addition, milk contains vitamin D, which is also vital for the utilization of dietary calcium. In addition to milk, vitamin D is derived from sunlight, and from the consumption of meat, canned fish with bones, tofu and green leafy vegetables.

Milk In A Healthy Diet

healthy drinkIt is difficult to get the necessary 700-800 mg of calcium without milk in the diet. In order to replace the calcium in a single glass of skim milk it would be necessary to eat three servings of spinach, nine boiled eggs, five large servings of broccoli or 20 servings of lettuce.

Nutritionists recommend that adults drink three and a half glasses of milk every day in order to get the amount of calcium they need in their diet. There are many ways to get that milk besides drinking it plain. For instance, many people find that mixing their milk with a couple of spoons of honey and mixing it in the blender makes a delicious and nutritious smoothie. In addition, milk can be added to your favorite recipes, and used in your daily coffee.

Cutting The Fat

Of course getting the calcium you need is important, but so is cutting the fat in the diet. A high fat diet has been implicated in obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other serious medical conditions, so it is important to avoid fat while getting the calcium you need. That is why it is so important to seek out low fat and nonfat dairy products whenever you can. Doing so will allow you to get all the calcium you need without consuming more fat than you need.

01.16 | 0 comments


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