Flue can be prevented from ourselves, our families and to increase the body's natural immunity and our family so that our body strong, and be immune from the flue. Do with how to set up the food we eat.
Study in which food to eat, see your family's food, and make the necessary changes to ensure that all people who eat healthy foods with a well balanced diet, abundant in nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables, low fat protein and complex carbohydrates.
Black currants contain more vitamin C of oranges, which contain about three times the recommended daily Feed for adults. It is important that you get lots of vitamin C because it helps prevent infection and help maintain healthy immune system.
Potato is one of the most affordable source of vitamin C, and complete all the sweet taste with high potassium and fiber. Skin that contains fiber and meat just under the skin contains the most vitamin C. Fresh potatoes are best source of vitamin C. Be careful about how you choose to prepare them, because they are soaking in water Robs them of their germ-busting vitamin C.
Brussel sprouts vegetables is a source of vitamin C, high in fiber and contain lots of folate also. They increase the anticarcinogenic glucosinolates, which have important cancer-fighting properties. They're a great addition to providing much in the boiled-fl busting nutrition.
Which include live yogurt culture has a positive effect on the GI system, and as a result, help the body purge the bacteria from the body more quickly and effectively, and against the flue. You want to yogurt containing L. active acidophilus cultures, which also help in the fight off yeast infections.
Whole wheat pasta is also rich in niacin, fiber, and iron. Complex carbohydrate, which is an important part of a healthy diet will maintain a strong immune system. Simply replace the traditional recipes call for whole wheat pasta with a variety of not for a delicious and nutritious twist on your favorite pasta dishes
Complete your breakfast with a glass of grapefruit juice, juice for a vitamin C-rich drink that sweet, and tart. However, you should check with your doctor if you are on medications for blood pressure, AIDS, anxiety, or hay fever, as mixing grapefruit juice with certain drugs can cause dangerous toxicity.
Prevent Flue
How to Prefent Flue from Your Body
Written By Low Fat High Protein Foods on Selasa, 24 Februari 2009 | 06.50
Foods That Improve Sleep Quality
Written By Low Fat High Protein Foods on Selasa, 17 Februari 2009 | 05.38
Sleep has many health benefits, but because the emphasis of this day lifestyle many people have experienced difficulty in getting quality sleep. Medical study recently showed that the food and activity may play an important role in determining one's sleep pattern. Some foods can increase the desire to sleep while the others can make sleep difficult. Instead of trying to force the food supplements to sleep, medical experts recommend that people who want to improve the sleep they need to make wise choices in their diet.
Foods that improve sleep quality may include green leafy vegetables, whole grain wheat, cereals, and mushrooms. Fruits such as bananas and berries, spices such as basil and sage may also help with sleep problems. General method such as a glass of milk, sleep is very important in improving the sleep pattern. Milk contains tryptophan, a kind of amino acid that is converted into serotonin, a kind of hormone that regulates sleep. Other foods that contain tryptophan are turkey, honey, egg white, and tuna.
On the other hand, the food should be avoided are foods that contain caffeine, which can include chocolate, cocoa, colas, and some of the counter and medication. Spicy foods should also be avoided because they may cause or ingestion or gastrointestinal reflux. Sweet or fatty foods can also cause the ingestion and cause bloating. Eating too much should also be avoided because too much food can cause indigestion, heart burn or confusing.
Some suggestions to be able to sleep is as following:
- Make a schedule and stick to it; sleep sleepy but when you try to wake up and go to bed every day around the same time.
- Use a fan or other means to create a stable, soothing voice to the other noises.
- Reduce caffeine and alcohol, avoid caffeine after noon and did not use alcohol as a sedative before bed.
- Get a heavy Shades or curtains to block out light bright morning when you wake up earlier than you want.
- Check the list of drugs. Because some medications can disrupt sleep, ask your doctor or pharmacist about the medicines you take.
- Refrain from exercise strong in a few hours and sleep time.
- Avoid heavy meals or excessive fluid in one or two hours of bedtime.
Although the use of medicines and food supplements not banned, but should people who want to use drugs to help them sleep consult with a doctor before they do so. These people should remember that the best way to improve sleep is to eat the right food.
Written By Low Fat High Protein Foods on Rabu, 11 Februari 2009 | 17.29

Protein - Chicken, soybeans, fish, ham, beef, cottage cheese Carbohydrates - Whole grains, honey, syrup, fruits, veggies Vitamin A - Liver, dark green leafy veggies, cantaloupe, sweet Potato, carrots, spinach, chard, tomato, eggs Vitamin B1 - Brewers yeast, dry soybeans, ham, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, fortified cereals, brazil nuts, oatmeal Vitamin B2 - Liver, organic meat, mushrooms, skim milk, eggs, beef, cottage cheese, chicken, spinach, ham, fortified cereals Vitamin B3 - Salmon, tuna, chicken, halibut, liver, peanuts, all brain mushrooms, other fish, brewers yeast Vitamin B4 - Soybeans, fresh salmon, canned salmon, molasses, Liver, wheat bran, beef, cod, sunflower seeds Vitamin B5 - Liver, organic meats, eggs, soybeans, broccoli, peanuts, mushrooms, beef, haddock, brewers yeast Vitamin B10 - egg yokes, liver, unpolished rice, brewer's yeast, whole grains, sardines, legumes Vitamin B11 - whole grains, citrus fruits, brewers yeast, molasses, meat, milk, nuts, veggies Vitamin B12 -liver, beef kidney, oysters, salmon, fresh sole, chicken, ham, pork Vitamin C - Broccoli, green pepper, hot peppers, Brussels sprouts, cantaloupe, dark green leafy veggies, citrus fruit or juice, strawberries, cabbage, watermelon Vitamin D - Salmon, sardines, herring, milk, egg yokes, sunshine, organic meats Vitamin E - soybean oil, corn or cottonseed oil, wheat germ, peanuts, margarine, mayonnaise, broiled salmon steak Vitamin F - vegetable oils, butter, sunflower seeds Vitamin K - Green leafy veeggies, egg yolks, safflower oil, blackstrap molasses, cauliflower, soybeans Vitamin P - citrus fruits, other fruits, black currants, buckwheat Vitamin T - sesame seeds, raw sesame butter, egg yokes Vitamin U - raw cabbage juice, fresh cabbage, home made Sauerkraut SOME OF THE MINERALS Choline - Egg yokes, organic means, wheat germ, soybeans, fish, legumes Calcium - Milk, broccoli, dark green leafy veggies, cheese, molasses, legumes, almonds, cottage cheese, brazil nuts Magnesium - Soybeans, wheat germ, cashews, almonds, brazil nuts, baked beans, peanuts, molasses, dark green leafy veggies Sodium - Seafood, table salt, sea salt, baking powder, baking soda, celery, milk products, kelp Potassium - Soybeans, cantaloupe, sweet potato, avocado, raisins, banana, halibut, sole, baked beans, molasses, ham, mushrooms, beef, white potatoes. Copper - Organic meats, seafood, nuts, legumes, molasses, raisins, bone meal Zinc - Beef, oatmeal, dark chicken, fish, beef liver, dried beans, bran, tuna Phosphorus - Tuna, sweetbreads, wheat germ, soybeans, fried beef liver, brazil nuts, beef Iron - Prune juice, liver, beef, soybeans, baked beans, ham, organic meats, chicken, spinach, eggs Manganese - Whole grains, green leafy veggies, legumes, nuts, pineapples, egg yokes Chromium - Corn oil, clams, whole grain cereals, brewers yeast Selenium - Tuna, herring, brewers yeast, wheat germ and bran, broccoli, whole grains Cobalt - Organic meals, oysters, clams, poultry, milk, green leafy veggies, fruits Chlorine - table salt, seafood, meats, ripe olives, rye flour Fluoride - tea, seafood, water, bone meal Molybdenum - Legumes, whole grain cereals, milk, liver, dark green veggies Sulfur - Fish, eggs, meats, cabbage, Brussels sprouts Vanadium - Fish Iodine - Iodized salt, ocean fish Tryptopan - soy protein, chicken, soybeans, fish, eggs, vegetable patty, cottage cheese, milk, mixed nuts, baked beans Leucine - Beef, chicken, soy protein, fish, soybeans, ham, cottage cheese, liver, eggs, baked beans Lysine - Chicken, beef, fish, ham, soy protein, soybeans, cottage cheese, baked beans, eggs, goat milk, peanuts, oatmeal, brewers yeast Valine - beef, chicken, fish, soy protein, soybeans, ham, eggs, liver, veggie patty, cottage cheese, baked beans, milk Methionine - chicken, beef, fish, ham, eggs, cottage cheese,liver, soybeans, soy protein, veggie patty, sardines, milk, yogurt Threonine - beef, chicken, fish, ham, soy protein, soybeans, liver, eggs, cottage cheese, goat milk, baked beans, veggie patty. To Learn MORE ABOUT NUTRITION, VITAMINS, MINERALS see my Stress and Health Website CLICK HERE For More Information about Stress, Health, Nutrition, Vitamins, Minerals and more go to my website at http://www.stress-health-info.com. You can order your own liquid nutrition and other products as well.
Acne Program - Step 9 Protein and Other Food to Eat
Written By Low Fat High Protein Foods on Senin, 09 Februari 2009 | 03.13
Eating the right kind of food is what can give you a strong immune system and help you prevent sickness and all kinds of skin blemishes including acne.
Here are some of the foods that can help you overcome the acne on your face or throughout your body.
Eating excess meat is harmful to your health. Eating too much meat, more than 2-4 ounces per day, has been found to contribute to narrowing of the arteries.
If you do physical labor and are involved in a lot of movement in your work, then you should eat more than 2-4 ounces of protein per day. Just make sure that the meat has a minimum of additives and preservatives.
Remember, meat is high in saturated fat, which blocks the activity of EPA and DHA, which produce prostaglandin and control the activity of your hormones.
Meat and bread is a big contributor to creating constipation. Meat is difficult to digest and many times it will get into the colon partial digested. This condition benefits the bad bacteria and allows them to dominate the colon and create constipation.
Because meat and bread have little fiber, they move slowly in the colon, which leads to constipation and eventually to some type of colon inflammation.
Bad bacteria, decaying meat and other undigested food contribute to the build up of toxic matter in the colon. This is the type of condition you should try to avoid, if you have acne. You need fecal matter in the colon to move regularly and out the rectum, otherwise, toxic matter will build up and end up in your blood stream
Here are the grains you should be eating:
* Brown rice ? contain many amino acids that help rebuild skin tissue
* Whole grains ? contain folic acid, magnesium, and vitamin E, vitamin B, minerals, and fiber
* Oats ? use them in the morning with honey or raisins. Oats have an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin and help to keep you regular.
Seeds and nuts
* Almonds - Almonds contain protein, the B vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Use them as a snack. These small nuts help to build muscles and tissue.
* Flax seeds ? These seeds are known for containing plenty of omega 3 oil, an essential oil for life. They also contain fiber when used ground up and put into smoothies. Omega 3 is also an anti-inflammatory oil, which is good for acne.
* Pecans ? This is one of the good nuts to eat. It contains Vitamin A, B, C, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. Use them as a snack.
* Pine nuts ? these nuts also one of the best to eat. They contain vitamin A, C, B, protein and iron.
* Sesame seeds ? They are high in calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. They are helpful in relieving various skin diseases such as acne by reducing the swelling.
* Sunflower seeds ? These seeds should be used as a snack. They are high in protein, calcium and vitamin A. They provide nutrients for building the whole body and are good for dry skin.
All of these nuts and seeds should be eaten raw. Heating and other processing will kill the life force of the nut or seed and also reduce the quantity of the vitamins and minerals.
Eat these nuts and seeds as snacks. Sesame seeds, sunflower, and flax seeds can be put directly into your blender as you make your smoothies.
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information on how to get rid of acne here: Food for Acne
Home Remedies for Eyesight Weakness
Written By Low Fat High Protein Foods on Jumat, 06 Februari 2009 | 06.19
Eyesight Weakness is a common problem of the day. Even tender aged school going children may also be seen using spectacles due to weak eyes. Heat and Weakness of brain is a main cause of weak eyesight.
Longover and closely watching of TV., continuous reading in a powerful light, digestive disorder, unbalanced eating and living habits and deficiency of vitamin A in food are also responsible for weak eyesight.
In maturity, excessive worry and consumption of alcohol also produce weakness of eyes. For averting weakness of eyes caused due to suppressed Common Cold or surplus heat in brain practice of Jala Neti is highly beneficial. Many cases of weak eyesight especially in children and young persons have responded well to Magnetotherapy. Palming and Jala Neti etc. gives considerable benefit. Pure honey if available may be used aspart of the diet and also as eye drop.
Causes: Heat and Weakness of brain is a main cause of weak eyesight. The morbid matter eliminating by means of Common Cold if suppressed by wrong treatment, also adversely effects the eyes. Beside this, longover and closely watching of TV., continuous reading in a powerful light, digestive disorder, unbalanced eating and living habits and deficiency of vitamin A in food are also responsible for weak eyesight. In maturity, excessive worry and consumption of alcohol also produce weakness of eyes.
Home Remedies for Eyesight Weakness
Mix equal quantities of fenugreek seeds (methi dana) powder along with Shikakai powder for washing hair. Wash frequently. Mix seeds of cardamom along with 1 tablespoon honey. Eat every day. Drink carrot juice twice daily. Boil 2 tablespoons fenugreek leaves along with ½ cup moong dal and 10 small onions and eat regularly. Using drops of eyebright herb are also beneficial for the eye conditions. Eating spinach will help in preventing various eye problems as it contains carotenoid. Washing theeyes with cold water will give relief from strain and will soothe the eyes.
'Palming.' To rest and relax your eyes, sit comfortably in front of a table, resting your elbows on a stack of cushions high enough to bring your palms easily to your eyes without stooping forward or looking up. Close your eyes and cover them with your cupped palms to exclude light, avoiding pressure on the sockets. Breathe slowly and evenly, relaxing and imagining deep blackness. Begin by doing this for 10 minutes, two or three times a day.
'Swinging.' Relax and keep the eyes mobile. Stand up and focus on a distant point, swaying gently from side to side. Repeat 100 times daily, blinking as you sway. Blinking cleans and lubricates the eyes, which is especially important if you spend a lot of time in front of a computer.
'Colour day.' You may be asked to have a 'colour day.' Choose a colour and look out for it throughout the day. When you see it, be aware of the colour rather than the form. For example, if it's a red truck, experience the shade of red, not the truck.
'Sunning' Try to do this once a day. It requires a sunny day, or a good desk lamp with an incandescent bulb. The exercise is simple. Close your eyes. Look directly at the sun through your closed eyes. While facing the sun, slowly rotate your head from side to side as far as you can.
This gets the sunlight on the peripheral vision, and it helps bring more blood circulation to your neck. Do this for 3 to 5 minutes. It's amazing, even on a cold day, how warm the sun feels on your eyes.
Exercise tips
General tips when doing eye exercises Please take off your glasses or contact lenses, you will then feel more comfortable and relaxed. When doing the exercises, intensely concentrate on your eyes. Feel them working and coming to life again!
Do them on a regular basis, e.g. ideally 3 times a day. The results will be better. The Vaporizer
Detox My Body With Natural Foods
Written By Low Fat High Protein Foods on Senin, 02 Februari 2009 | 07.06
Detoxification Diet: Detox Your Body With Lemon Juice Maple Syrup Cayenne Pepper
Martha'S Vineyard Detox Diet Shopping List We are still feeling the negative effects of his campaign today. "It depends on how toxic your system is and how sensitive your body is to change" says Alexander. An unhealthy liver does not detoxify substances as rapidly or as completely as a healthy liver. The human detoxification system consists of the respiratory (lungs, bronchial tubes, sinus and nose), gastrointestinal (liver, gall bladder, colon), urinary (kidney, bladder, urethra), skin and dermal (sweat, sebaceous glands and tears) and lymphatic (lymph nodes and channels) systems. The best thing to do is not to fully adapt the detox diet.As people are gaining awareness about toxins and pollutants they are also concerned about the ways in which these toxins may be got rid off. There are two major systems involved with detoxification: anti-oxidation and the detoxification process in the liver.
Foot Detox Soak Formula nor can the cells' waste products get out. Detoxifying the body has become an apparent key preventetive measure to all kind's of health problems. Today we have a range of products diets and information available to assist us with removing the toxins from our body. Even with a healthy lifestyle the body forms mucoid plaque a rubber-like lining throughout the walls of the intestines filled with toxic waste which prevents proper absorption of nutrients causing poor digestion. you can even look a whole lot younger after. Of course.
Colon Cleansing In Mesa slow down on the program and start again very gradually. A detox diet plan is not aimed at weight loss. When your body is sick in any way the pH is disrupted. Your body does whatever it can to keep up with the extra acid produced. You should eat fresh fruit (limit bananas to one every other day), vegetables (limit potatoes to one portion every 2-3 days), salads, grains (such as millet, brown rice, quinoa, rye and buckwheat), breads (rye, wheat-free or pumpernickel), crispbreads, water and herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices (carrot, apple, celery), pulses and bean sprouts, rice, almond and sesame milk, nuts (brazil, almond or cashew), seeds (sunflower, sesame, pumpkin and flax), cold-pressed oils and fresh herbs. Ways to work through a healing crisis: Drink lots of water treat yourself to a massage or hot bath do daily caster oil packs over your liver for 3-5 days and fast. See detoxify your system The procedure works by attracting charged toxic substances in the body and then drawing them out into the water. Apparently this method might only be effective in getting rid of charged toxins in the body which are mostly metals. Toxic substances have penetrated every part of our living; the food we eat. Most of the technologically modified food you eat today contains different hormones and chemicals that interfere with normal body metabolism and in most cases cause the system to malfunction.
Nicotine Detox Diet The cars we drive emit emissions that are detrimental to our health. When we fill up at the gas station we breathe in the fumes of the gasoline which adds toxins to our body. Once the liver detoxification has been accomplished it is time to start removing the toxins from the blood and the body. We use another tea formulated for just that purpose. This ancient formula comes from an Indian tribe in Canada. Examples of healthy fats would be plant fats that have not been 'hydrogenated' which makes the fat more solid at room temperature. It is believed that hydrogenation is actually more harmful to health than saturated fats found naturally in animal products. Even though the peel contains essential nutrients it's also impossible to digest in most cases. See more Detox Meth Home Remedy It has been praised all around the world for its effectiveness and is commonly used amongst doctors and naturopaths.