1. 5 Small Meals! Eating every 3 to 4 hours (three meals & two snacks) will help your body function and improve its metabolism. Start your day with a good healthy breakfast to initiate the burning process. Your body needs a source of protein and carbohydrate at breakfast. Continue your day eating a good source of protein, carbohydrates and some fats every 3 to 4 hours, totaling 5 meals. Do not let your body go more than 4 hours without food as you may slow down your metabolism!
2. Every meal should consist of a balance of complex carbohydrates (brown rice, wheat bread, pasta, etc.,) also simple carbohydrates (fruit), lean proteins (chicken, egg whites, fish) and or low fat dairy products that contain high amounts of protein (cottage cheese, yogurt etc.). Use minimal amounts of fats, examples of good fat would be: all natural peanut butter, olive oil, almonds, avocados, and flax seed oil.
3. An example of a great breakfast would be 3 egg whites, a piece of wheat toast with a tbs. Of natural peanut butter, and an apple. A healthy snack would be a cup of low fat cottage cheese, a hand full of grapes and maybe some baby carrots with a tablespoon of non-fat ranch dip. A perfect dinner would consist of a 6-ounce piece of halibut, a side of broccoli, and a 4-ounce baked potato with a tbsp. of non-fat sour cream!
4. For quicker results, always pick some kind of lean protein to eat first, and then match it with a complex carbohydrate rather than a simple sugar. This will even out your blood sugar so your body will burn fat rather than excess sugar in your blood stream!
5. Water is a very important part of your nutrition, we can't live without it and our body is made up mostly of water. Keeping yourself hydrated is a great fat metabolizer, and will flush out any toxins. Try to drink a gallon of water per day, start with a half and work up to a gallon. Try a slice of lemon or orange to give it a fresh taste.
6. Cooking Tips: never fry your food, always broil, bake, barbecue, roast or steam foods in water. Avoid adding unnecessary fat or oil. Non-fat cooking sprays are ok in moderations; eliminate butter all together. Remove skin and fat from chicken or meats. Spices are ok but avoid salt or any spices with sodium in them.
7. Sodium is salt which can retain water in our body, leading to hypertension in some case. Many products contain high amounts of sodium. The RDA is 2400 milligrams per day. This can be high if you are trying to lose weight or need to watch your blood pressure. Be sure to read food labels and see how much sodium per serving
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mikhail_Tuknov
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mikhail_Tuknov
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